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DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH: Unternehmen

Intelligence is Our Pas­sion

At DIE DENKFABRIK (literally: the Think Factory) we are extre­mely pas­sionate about intel­ligence.

We have pur­sued our pas­sion and evolved into a leading, global and repu­table pro­vi­der of compe­titive and market intel­ligence services. Since the company was founded in 1992 we have developed a wide, loyal client base and worked on many inter­national projects for large corpora­tions and small organi­sations alike. Our exper­tise lies in helping our clients manage compe­titive issues and drive perfor­mance and advan­tage on the basis of their compe­titive and market intel­ligence, regardless of company size and indus­try.
Do you need to find out speci­fic infor­mation about your comp­eti­tors? How well do you know your compe­ti­tors? How often are you surprised by compe­titive activi­ties or client behaviors? How profi­table are your invest­ments? How success­ful is your company compared with the compe­tition? All of these questions can be answered by finding out the right intel­ligence. We can help!

We can offer you:

  • A tailored global compe­titive intel­ligence pro­ject
  • Consulting services for setting up an internal Compe­titive Intel­ligence Center
  • Intelligence coaching (e.g. war games, analy­tical support, and sce­na­rio develop­ment)
  • Competitive intelligence training and certi­fi­cation (delivered by our partner the Institute for Compe­titive Intel­ligence)

Our Mission: Perfor­mance, Client Bene­fit, and Loyal­ty!

By learning how to close­ly ana­lyze your compe­titors you can achieve long-term success. DIE DENK­FABRIK is your ideal partner when it comes to buil­ding up the neces­sary exper­tise to conduct compe­titive intel­ligence activi­ties and make in­formed de­cisions.  

  • Performance driver: Our mis­sion is to help our clients per­form bet­ter and expe­ri­ence grea­ter suc­cess. Newly deve­loped busi­ness fields, increa­sed produc­ti­vity, inno­vative pro­ducts, market lea­der­ship and the protec­tion of distri­bution channels are all poten­tial be­ne­fits origi­nating from high-quality compe­titive intel­ligence.
  • Reli­able and trust­worthy partner: We offer our clients an open, mutual­ly bene­ficial partner­ship – based on the common values of trust, hone­sty, and profes­siona­lism. If we iden­tify a conflict of inte­rests with our exis­ting commit­ments, we imme­diately inform our pro­spec­tive client.
  • Long-term collaboration: We strive for long-term profes­sional re­la­tion­ships enab­ling us to close­ly under­stand our clients' needs, offer a tailored solu­tion, and enhance loy­alty.
  • Ethical: At DIE DENKFABRIK, all our profes­sional activi­ties are con­duc­ted in line with the rigid ethical guide­lines of the Cana­dian Mar­ke­ting Re­search and Intel­ligence Asso­cia­tion (MRIA).
  • Delivering on promises: We ascer­tain each client's speci­fic re­qui­re­ments and are com­mit­ted to deli­vering the precise ser­vices that have been agreed. This is why we enjoy our repu­tation as a cre­dible compe­titive intel­ligence service pro­vider.