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DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH: Unternehmen


Our customers are inter­national Groups and medium-sized enter­prises. The satis­faction of our custo­mers and the trust they place in our experi­ence is demon­strated time and again through follow-on pro­jects. We would welcome the oppor­tuni­ty to esta­blish a long-term rela­tion­ship based on partner­ship with your com­pany.

Our pro­jects and custo­mer relation­ships require strict confi­den­tiality agree­ments, there­fore we do not dis­close our cus­tomer refe­rences. When we work for a com­pany we under­take not to work for another direct compe­titor for a two-year period following comple­tion of the pro­ject.

Let's discuss your competition issues!

Based on trust

We have vast expe­rience of the following sectors:

  • Pharma­ceutical/health­care
  • Chemical
  • High-tech
  • Software and tele­commu­nica­tions
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Automotive
  • Fast-moving con­sumer goods

We don't take on pro­jects for indi­viduals, state organi­zations, and authori­ties. Upon request we will be happy to pro­vide you with fur­ther details of our expe­rience in speci­fic sec­tors, regions, and techno­logies.