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DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH: Unternehmen

Compe­titive Intel­li­gence Ser­vi­ces

We tailor our compe­ti­tive intel­ligence (CI) ser­vices in line with each client's unique re­quire­ments.
Through efficient and reli­able compe­ti­tive and mar­ket intel­ligence we help our clients gene­rate in­sights and find the answers to ques­tions such as:

  • What is the busi­ness stra­tegy of a parti­cular compe­ti­tor? What impact might this stra­tegy have upon your com­pany?
  • How do your com­peti­tors measure sales effi­ciency? How can you im­prove your com­pany’s rela­tion­ship with its dis­tri­bu­tors and par­tners?
  • What steps does your com­pany need to take in order to im­prove your R&D process and mar­ket posi­tion?
  • Where and how should you in­vest in order to imple­ment your stra­tegy success­fully?
  • How do you expect your compe­ti­tors to react to newly deve­loped tech­no­lo­gies? What is the best ap­proach for de­sign­ing a product launch cam­paign?


High-Quality Intel­ligence is the Key to Suc­cess

We use advanced metho­do­lo­gies and tools to obtain compe­ti­tive and mar­ket intel­ligence and in­sights, on the basis of which our clients can make informed deci­sions. High-quali­ty intel­ligence is the key to suc­cess and gaining that all-impor­tant compe­ti­tive edge. Not only do our clients value our intel­ligence exper­tise, they also value our effi­cient ap­proach to com­muni­ca­tion, our crea­tive flair, and our fair­ness as a pro­ject par­tner.

Bene­fit from our intel­ligence experi­ence and exper­tise to leverage your com­pany's suc­cess!