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DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH: Unternehmen

Pioneers in Competitive Intelligence!

Over the last 20 years, DIE DENK­FABRIK has success­fully imple­mented intel­ligence pro­jects for clients all around the world. We employ highly quali­fied CI consul­tants who usually hold uni­ver­sity degrees and bring a wealth of profes­sional expe­rience to each pro­ject.

As competi­tive intel­ligence pio­neers we have deve­loped a range of effec­tive intel­ligence-speci­fic research and ana­lysis metho­dolo­gies. We apply these tools to our clients' intel­ligence pro­jects in order to obtain high-quali­ty intel­ligence and in­sights.

Through our exclu­sive net­work of busi­ness asso­ciates and resear­chers we have access to exten­sive exper­tise and support en­abling us to work really effi­ciently and deliver optimal value to our clients. Our skill­ful combi­nation of hands-on pro­ject mana­gement, intel­ligence know-how and crea­ti­vity is our number one suc­cess fac­tor for ensuring a high level of customer satis­faction.

What else would you expect from a Think Fac­tory?