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DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH: Unternehmen

Intelligence Coaching

We coach our clients "on the flight" —  our consul­tants offer our clients' teams sup­port with speci­fic ongoing intel­ligence pro­jects, there­by en­suring effi­cient CI work flows, even for com­plex, high-pro­file and highly sensi­tive pro­jects. Through this targe­ted approach to coaching, speci­fic intel­ligence know-how is also trans­ferred to your company. Compa­nies that bene­fit from our intel­ligence coaching are able to nurture an intel­ligence cul­ture, which is a criti­cal suc­cess fac­tor for achie­ving sus­tain­able compe­titive advan­tage.

Coaching Services

Our range of coaching ser­vices is de­signed to support compe­titive and market intel­ligence profes­sionals. Depending on your require­ments, we can offer you a tai­lored coaching pro­gram. Our coa­ching ser­vices include (but are not limited to):

  • War games
  • Scenario deve­lo­pment
  • Risk and oppor­tunity ana­lysis based on mar­kets and compe­titors
  • Market and tech­no­logy fore­casts
  • Design and imple­men­tation of CI struc­tures and pro­cesses
  • Blind spot au­dits
  • Critical thinking work­shops
  • Train-the-trainer metho­do­logy work­shops